Hello, I’m Miss Glocknitzer and I am your new Capitol FFA Co-Advisor! I grew up in Gardnerville and was an active member in the Carson Valley FFA Chapter. During FFA, I raised beef steers and competed in rodeo for my SAE’s. In rodeo, I competed in cutting, barrel racing, pole bending and team roping. I still compete is several of those events in jackpots and armature rodeos. At the Nevada State Convention I competed in Job Interview, Horse Judging and the Dairy Handler contest. My love for FFA never died! After high school, I attended Great Basin College in Elko, NV, in pursuit of my Agriculture Education Degree. In 2016 I graduated and started my teaching career as an Agriculture Mechanics Teacher at Eureka County High School. In Eureka, I was involved with the Diamond Mountain FFA Chapter. I coached the Ag. Mech team and the Horse Evaluation team. Diamond Mountain FFA hasn’t had and Ag. Mech team in almost ten years! In 2017, we had a full team of two seniors and two juniors. They worked hard at many practices outside of school and were able to place second at state convention! One of my many goals for the Capitol FFA Chapter is to start an Ag. Mech T
eam and have them make it to National FFA Convention! I am so excited to be a part of the Capitol FFA Chapter and cannot wait to help each member in pursuing their goals. I love teaching welding at Carson High School, go Senators!