Hi my name is Katie Cullen and I am your 2018-2019 Chapter Vice President.
I participate in High School Rodeo and I have multiple SAE (supervised agricultural experience) projects. I have market hogs, horses, and goats. I am currently enrolled in our Veterinary Science and Agriculture Leadership and Communications classes. I am super excited for this year because I am in charge of all of our committees and I can’t wait to see what fun events they have planned for us. I want to make this year something to remember for not just myself and not just our chapter but for the community. I am graduating this coming June and I can’t wait to see our chapter grow from now until then. I hope to make an impact on our future members because they are going to be the ones to carry on our chapter. For you readers, I hope you come to our blog with open hearts and open minds, because without you as community members we would not be thriving they way we are today. Thank you.
Rock it KRC!!