Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Eagles and Ag

Eagles and Ag

A lot of people wonder what Eagles and Ag is.
What do they have to do with each other? What exactly
is it, and a lot of people have never even heard of it before.
Eagles for Ag is an event that happens every January to
February, and is celebrated in Carson Valley every year.
It happens in the rural farming community in
Douglas, around 20 minutes out of Carson City.
The land receives visits from many different
Prey birds such as Raptors during the winter,
Bald Eagles, even Golden Eagles and many more.
(Falcon  Prey Bird)

The Birds migrate over during calving season for
Ranches. When the cows are done birthing, there
is a lot of after birth just laying around full of nutrients.
That's what attracts the pray birds. You see, these
ranches aren't just supporting us as humans but they
are supporting the wildlife around them and us.

I had a lot of reasons as to why I wanted to write
about Eagles and ag as my blog post, the two
top reasons were for my uncle. His name is Steve Lewis,

Friday, February 1, 2019

Importance of Agriculture

As the years go by, the amount of farmers and ranchers keeps decreasing. Although this decrease in farmers and ranchers might not seem like a big problem, it is. Less than 2% of all working citizens are employed in the agriculture business. That means less than 2% of workers are responsible for providing food, textiles,and other agricultural products to  over 7 billion people each day.
At the beginning of its time, agriculture was the reason for civilizations and growing populations. Agriculture was born in the Fertile Crescent.People learned to cultivate the fields and provide for the increasing economy. At the time, the amount of farming was proportional to the population, but as the population has grown, the ratio of farming to population has become extremely disproportionate and might lead to farmers and ranchers not being able to supply the economy.
Even though technology has seriously improved over the past several thousand years, farmers and ranchers are still needed. As the population keeps growing so do the needs of the economy. If jobs in agriculture do not grow with the population, we will be stuck without the basic necessities.

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